Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

Simpsons 3x19: Dog of Death

Season 3 / Episode 19: Dog of Death

September 19, 1991 – August 27, 1992
  1. "Stark Raving Dad"
  2. "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington"
  3. "When Flanders Failed"
  4. "Bart the Murderer"
  5. "Homer Defined"
  6. "Like Father, Like Clown"
  7. "Treehouse of Horror II"
  8. "Lisa's Pony"
  9. "Saturdays of Thunder"
  10. "Flaming Moe's"
  11. "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"
  12. "I Married Marge"
  13. "Radio Bart"
  14. "Lisa the Greek"
  15. "Homer Alone"
  16. "Bart the Lover"
  17. "Homer at the Bat"
  18. "Separate Vocations"
  19. "Dog of Death"
  20. "Colonel Homer"
  21. "Black Widower"
  22. "The Otto Show"
  23. "Bart's Friend Falls in Love"
  24. "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?"

Simpsons Episodes Streaming: Dog of Death





Episode Review:

Springfield is "in the grip of lottery fever" which has a $130 million jackpot along with, as a result, no person in the Simpson household notices that their furry friend dog, Santa's Little Asst, has become ill. After the dog is discovered to be sick, the family rushes him towards the hospital where they learn that she needs an emergency functioning to cure gastric dilatation volvulus that will cost $750. Homer is saddened to share with his children, Bart along with Lisa, that the family cannot spend the money for operation. However, after seeing how much everyone loves the canine, especially Bart, he decides to discover a way to pay because of it.

Everyone in the family has to make a lot of budget cuts of their daily routine, such as Homer having to discontinue on buying beer and Marge needing to cook with lower-quality meal and forgo her every week lottery ticket. Bart must get his haircuts in a local barber school, Lisa still can't get her volumes connected with "Encyclopedia Generica" and Maggie's apparel have to last a little bit longer. They eventually preserve enough money for your operation, which is roaring success. The family is memorable that their dog is well again, but soon begins to have the strain of their surrender. As a result, the morale in the family suffers and they take their annoyance from Santa's Little Helper. Experience unwanted, he runs overseas and goes off on an adventure, only to possibly be captured, taken to pet pound, and adopted by means of Mr. Burns, who trains him to be one of his vicious attack hounds. After an extended brainwashing process, consisting in the Ludovico technique, Santa's Little Helper is become a bloodthirsty killer.

The family begins to regret all of the disgusting things they claimed about their dog, and Bart goes from house to accommodate asking if anyone provides seen him. When he arrives at Burns' mansion, Santa's Minor Helper, along with some other vicious dogs, tries to attack him. However, when remembering all of the good times they acquired, Santa's Little Helper snaps beyond his brainwashed state and protects Bart through the dog pack, before returning to the Simpson family, exactly who shower him with really like.

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