Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

Simpsons 3x13: Radio Bart

Season 3 / Episode 13: Radio Bart

September 19, 1991 – August 27, 1992
  1. "Stark Raving Dad"
  2. "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington"
  3. "When Flanders Failed"
  4. "Bart the Murderer"
  5. "Homer Defined"
  6. "Like Father, Like Clown"
  7. "Treehouse of Horror II"
  8. "Lisa's Pony"
  9. "Saturdays of Thunder"
  10. "Flaming Moe's"
  11. "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"
  12. "I Married Marge"
  13. "Radio Bart"
  14. "Lisa the Greek"
  15. "Homer Alone"
  16. "Bart the Lover"
  17. "Homer at the Bat"
  18. "Separate Vocations"
  19. "Dog of Death"
  20. "Colonel Homer"
  21. "Black Widower"
  22. "The Otto Show"
  23. "Bart's Friend Falls in Love"
  24. "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?"

Simpsons Episodes Streaming: Radio Bart





Episode Review: Radio Bart

The Simpson spouse and children are generally busy be prepared for Bart's party. Homer perceives some sort of business on television set for the bogus microphone called this Superstar Celebrity Microphone which they can use to help exploit localized radio systems in addition to immediately establishes to get one regarding Bart. Eventually, Bart ordeals some sort of crushingly discouraging party any time almost all the gifts turn into worthless items like some sort of cactus, some sort of brand maker, as well as a brand-new match. To start with, he could be also dissatisfied from the microphone, nevertheless in the future discovers some sort of work with for doing this throughout developing practical humor, including deceiving Ned Flanders' guys directly into trusting which Goodness will be conversing with these, listening throughout on Lisa in addition to Janey's talks about guys, in addition to effective Homer which martians are generally invading the planet earth.

Bart includes some sort of radio along some sort of nicely in addition to articulates by means of this while using microphone, deceiving this townspeople directly into pondering a orphan named Timmy O'Toole has fallen along this nicely. Though they will cannot find "Timmy" away, as the nicely will be far too small for almost any person to install throughout, the whole area presents meaning help in addition to perform everything they could to present them desire. Krusty possibly gets music performer Tingle to partake of different famous people throughout taking some sort of charitable organisation sole, "We're Sending The Appreciate Along this Well". On the other hand, Bart—after knowing which the label will be on the radio thanks to the label-maker—falls into the nicely while looking to access this. When the townspeople find out, he / she confesses which Timmy O'Toole isn't going to exist. Furious from getting bamboozled, this townspeople get away from Bart inside the nicely. While doing so, "We're Sending The Appreciate Along The Well" dramatically falls away the main spot completely down to 97. Number one seemed to be "I Do Believe We live Naked" by Funky H, Funky Do. Likewise, young ladies from Springfield Primary University skips while performing about Bart along this nicely. Right after Lisa shows those to closed way up, the girls proceed any time your woman actually leaves.

In spite of efforts by Homer in addition to Marge to help mobilize some sort of relief function, the whole area is still outraged from Bart in addition to won't assist. Ultimately, Homer has had enough—he establishes to help get some sort of tube in addition to relief Bart herself. Groundskeeper Willie perceives this kind of in addition to brings together Homer. Having a little assist through Tingle, as well as some inhabitants who place the fury aside, a excavation function will be commenced. Some sort of regretful Bart will be eventually rescued in addition to Willie positions way up a small danger sign at the nicely the following a . m . to stop future occurrences.

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