Dienstag, 9. April 2013

Simpsons 2x4: Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish

Season 2 / Episode 4: Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish

October 11, 1990 – July 11, 1991
  1.     "Bart Gets an F"
  2.     "Simpson and Delilah"
  3.     "Treehouse of Horror"
  4.     "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish"
  5.     "Dancin' Homer"
  6.     "Dead Putting Society"
  7.     "Bart vs. Thanksgiving"
  8.     "Bart the Daredevil"
  9.     "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge"
  10.     "Bart Gets Hit by a Car"
  11.     "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish"
  12.     "The Way We Was"
  13.     "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment"
  14.     "Principal Charming"
  15.     "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"
  16.     "Bart's Dog Gets an F"
  17.     "Old Money"
  18.     "Brush with Greatness"
  19.     "Lisa's Substitute"
  20.     "The War of the Simpsons"
  21.     "Three Men and a Comic Book"
  22.     "Blood Feud"

Simpsons Episodes Streaming:

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Mirror 2:

Mirror 3:

Mirror 4:

Episode Review:

Bart and also Lisa get sportfishing downstream with the Springfield Nuclear Electrical power Grow and also Springfield Purchaser news reporter Dork Shutton drags way up in the same way Bart attracts some sort of three-eyed fish, how the media nicknames Blinky. The particular fish helps make statements plus a California regulating panel directs some sort of workforce to research nuclear waste materials coming from the vegetable which may have brought on the actual fish in order to mutate. After the assessment, the actual plant's manager, Mr. Burns up, is actually exhibited an index of 342 violations, which might expense US$56 million in order to fix. Distraught, Burns up talks to vegetable worker Homer, exactly who half-heartedly implies Burns up run pertaining to governor to ensure he may adjust the actual expectations which will help prevent the actual vegetable through currently being banned. Burns up pounces about the notion, knowing that he will not have to spend to create the actual vegetable as much as rule ever again.

Burns's politics advisors break what is this great in order to Burns up that they is actually drastically despised through lots of people and also force Burns up to attempt currently being pleasant and also laugh. Burns up helps make some sort of television professional talking about Blinky with the actor or actress portraying Charles Darwin, exactly who claims Blinky is surely an evolutionary stage but not some sort of mutated fish. Joined with some sort of offer to reduce fees plus a smear advertising campaign next to current governor Betty Bailey, Burns up connections with the woman's within the polls. For the nights ahead of the election, Burns's advisors suggest that Burns up have supper on the home of any middle-class family seeing that enable you to placed Burns up within the direct. Burns up reads his or her staff for that almost all typical person the guy can locate, and also Homer is actually chosen.

The particular coming supper with Burns up splits the actual Simpson home. Homer helps Burns up, while Marge and also Lisa are at odds of him. Prior to the supper comes, Burns's advisors prepare the household for that celebration, also providing them with pre-written questions in order to request in place of talk. Lisa will become frustrated because of it just about all, but Marge explains to the woman's not to get worried. To be able to every person's shock, Marge will serve Blinky for supper. Burns up endeavors to act as though it doesn't make an effort him, but can't keep from spitting it available. The particular digital cameras expensive for the reason that bite lures from the fresh air, and also with the moment the actual piece hits a floor the actual push is finished and also his or her gubernatorial advertising campaign dissolves. Bailey is victorious the actual election and also, in spite of Burns up declaring in which Homer's ambitions will probably be unfulfilled as long as they are living, the actual Simpson family fortunately gets together yet again.

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